Being Suspiciouswith Sarah Buchner

walking on a taped network
  • Type

    Performative Tour

  • Size

    floor ground, first floor and ancient cabinets room

  • Duration


  • YEAR


Being Suspicion emerged from a conversation between Anabela Veloso and Sarah Buchner with what Thorvaldsen's Museum chose to display. This performative tour rounds off the research done on the network of relations among the portraited busts.

networking outloud

Parallel to the installation General Suspicion, this tour reveals some of the relations among the presented busts of the museum. Being Suspicious walks with the audience in a steady monochord pace, guiding them from the society of busts to the ancient cabinets while insistently repeating, "they were connected/collected."

performative score
Performing Being Suspicious
performative tour
performative score
performative score map
Taped floor at Being Suspicious
performative tour
performative tour
performative tour